Thursday, May 20, 2010


Those days filled with hatred
Unfounded frustration
Grow steadily more common
With every crimson drop.

The art then created
Expression of unhealthiness
As lines grace the pages
Describes the pitiful hurt.

Looking down from up high
Distorted reality brings about
Feelings of disproportionate
Awkward bodies.

Tears of grief are shed
From the ones standing below
The lifeless figure
Swinging from the gallows.

- Mango

Sunday, May 16, 2010

My Inspiration

There's nothing quite as special as the human mind. In all honesty, I marvel at it, at all the brilliant people that wander the earth fulfilling themselves and making a difference in the world. They each have a special talent, and most times, it's clear how that talent can affect the universal flow of things. For example, my sisters each have a special talent that I know will be put to good use. Chval has an uncanny sense of what's right, she's going to be a police officer and will most likely save countless lives some way or the other. Keek will forever be one of the greatest writers I know and Shiggs will take Mutsumi Takahashi's place on the news. Kiwi will use her uncannily and annoyingly special brain to help people through countless medical procedures, and last but not least, my favourite Cow, with her amazing determination will create the cartoons destined to entertain the masses, pulling away from typical card game, top fighting, fighting tiny mechanical ball thing cartoon shows that have taken over television. I believe in them. I believe in their special talents. They are the greatest inspiration that one could ever ask for.

In short, I love them.
