Friday, February 13, 2015

Tick Tock

"Decades," she muttered. "It feels like it's been decades."

"How so?" responded the wind, blowing gently through her hair, caressing her face. She lay on her back on the raft in the middle of the lake, her arms over her face and her knees bent toward the sky. 

"It feels like decades have passed since last we spoke." 

"So whisper to me all your woes. What are friends for if not for listening?"

She sighed and turned over, reaching one arm down into the cool water. It felt nice on her battered body, on her bloodied soul. Deep breaths. In. Out. Yes, just like that. 

"Are you truly going to listen?"

"Have I not always?"

She painted figure eights in the water, mechanically moving her fingers as she tried to decide from where to begin. She was overflowing with things to say and yet she said not a word. Instead she focused on the sound of the waves against the raft, melodious in their rhythm. 

"I'm sorry lake," she whispered.  "You're already so full but I'm afraid I'm going to be selfish and fill you up some more." At first there was nothing more than a few tears, but quickly they grew to deep sobs that shook her whole body. "I'm so sorry." Stop crying. Stop crying. Stop crying. Stop crying. Stop crying. STOP CRYING. The girl sat up and abruptly stopped crying as she cradled her face in her hand. 

"Being afraid hurts."

She smiled sadly and stared at her fingers, at the crusty scabs that had formed from nervously peeling the skin of her fingers. She stopped staring and starting scratching at her arms.

"I don't understand," she mumbled. "How did it come to this? One moment we're all smiles and giggles, the next she's gone. She says we're happy and that we'll be friends forever. Kida always does that. Usually she comes back. I've been waiting. I've been sitting alone, calling for her but I suppose she's disappointed in me. She's punishing me. I want her back, I NEED her. She and I are eternity together. I didn't mean to push her so far away, and now she's gone. Disappeared." Just like the wind. "I knew you wouldn't listen. You always lie."

"And you're always stupid enough to think that someone wants to listen."

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